
Friday, December 14, 2012

Hope, Strength, Courage, Comfort, and Kleenex.

Something tragic happened in Connecticut. I know everyone has been mortified to witness this horrible event. I have cried for the families, the children, the public responders, and the staff.

This is where my heart went....

Dear teacher, therapists, administrators, paraprofessionals, psychologists, speech pathologist, librarians, nurses, secretaries, reading specialists, police liaisons, guidance counselors, social workers, or volunteer who has shared a single moment with one of my children....THANK YOU.

I don't doubt for a moment that you have done your best for my child.  I may not have agreed with you all the time, but you were patient with me and especially my children.  I know that if something terrifying like what happened on the East Coast were to happen here- you would gladly lay down your life to protect any child you could.

I have the greatest respect for your profession.  I have worked within your realm and marveled at your spirit, perseverance, humor and creativity.  I gave birth to my made a conscious choice to work with them....THANK YOU.

Amy B.

We have been blessed to be in the same school district for over 17 years.  I worked in a few of the buildings for 6 of those years.  

The first few teachers gave me comfort as I struggled with behaviors, sign language, potty training, rude comments from strangers, and frustration that clouded my soul.  They all helped us set goals that were achievable, showed phenomenal patience as we tried to figure out what did and didn't work, and supported us at every turn.  A few teachers even provided loving protection for my daughter during a very dark time in our family.  Years passed and teachers would see positive things in my children that hadn't even occurred to us.  Many times we were feeling beat down, hopeless- but these professionals would force us to focus on the positive progress.  Not one of them have ever given up on us. 

I count many of my children's educators as my friends.  They have come to graduations, birthdays, and someday they will be at a wedding or two.  Some have a valid claim to spots in the front row at one wedding or another.  I have sat and cried with them in classrooms, kept them late after school for numerous meetings, attended one teacher's wedding, drank a beer or two with many of them, fought the crowds on Black Friday, and watched quite a few sporting events to cheer on a sports team (the last few were under the disguise of a neighboring district). 

What each and every one of them did was give us hope, strength, courage, comfort, and more times than I care to admit- Kleenex. 

I honestly don't know where we would be without their support and guidance. 

My heart breaks for the families of everyone involved in Connecticut.  Someday soon, those professionals, educators, and volunteers are going to have to welcome back a group of children and give them a colossal amount of hope, strength, courage, comfort and Kleenex.

Prayers for the world.


  1. Well said dear know I'd give you and any of the kiddos all they need and more from the bottom of my heart...miss seeing you all! Can they all get on their knees and come through grade school again!?!
