
Friday, January 4, 2013


"I make mistakes- in fact- I make lots of mistakes."

There I said it. I'm sure I don't say it often enough to appease my family- but I feel obligated to confess to you all out there in 'reader land'.

My first mistake was avoided on December 23rd.  I had forgotten that I volunteered to bring the ham for Christmas Eve dinner.  John's parents came over for the weekly breakfast from Hardee's on Sunday morning.  When Grandma asked me if I had thawed the ham yet, a light bulb went off in mind!  I thought I had masked my expression- but John called my bluff later in the morning as I flew down to the freezer to pull out the ham.  "You forgot, didn't you?  I saw your eyes shoot open when Mom asked you about the ham." 

I looked that man square in the eyes and said in my most convincing tone- "Absolutely NOT!"

He didn't buy it- but he left it well enough alone- I've trained him well!

I was lucky this time- a few years ago we arrived at the family super bowl party without the casserole I had promised to make a month earlier.  I was so ashamed when the Aunts had to run to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up hot beef and turkey to replace my missing Party Chicken casserole.  They said it was alright- but I knew I was in the doghouse when they refused to let me ride along and at least buy the meat and buns.  I'm sure my name was tossed around angrily during that car ride!

My biggest oops occurred on Monday, December 24th. 

Now in my defense- I had already started 3 separate appetizers and dishes before 6 am- I had been busy and it was early in the morning! I started the coffee pot and noticed that the pill boxes were empty but neither boy was awake yet.  Mike's box is blue, Andy's box is white. They both take completely different medicines- various shapes, colors and numbers.

I assumed victory because for once I wasn't going to hear "Moooooooooom, my pill box is empty!" I counted out the pills, tablets, and caplets for the week.  Blue box, then white box.

The kids woke, showered, dressed, ate breakfast and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to help them prepare for the company they were expecting.  We had a few spats before they left me. 

Mike was mad because Andy took to long in the shower (Helloooooo, he always does that!).  Andy was miffed when I suggested his Mountain Dew t-shirt wasn't dressy enough for the holidays (Jeez Mom, its green!)- etc, etc.

As I did the dishes and cleared the counters, I checked the pill boxes. Both had taken their pills with breakfast- victory!!!  But then it hit me....

Mike's pill were in the wrong box- oh crap- Andy's pills are in the wrong box- double crap! 

I had swapped the pill boxes!  "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!!" (but I didn't really say crap)" Silent prayer quickly ensued...

Dear God,

Hi, it's me- Amy.  Once again, I'm trying to lose my mother of the year title...

Anyways, I want to thank you for the gimme with the puppies.  I don't know which one actually has worms since they both like to poop in the hallway- but I appreciate the fact that you let me see the worm in the poop before the vet bills piled up. 

That said, if I could be so bold- I mixed up the boys pills.  I'm not planning to tell anyone- just in case there isn't any problems. No sense yelling fire in a crowded room if its only a lit candle- right?  If you could find it in your heart to make tonight go smoothly- I'll try not to take your name in vain for a while.  I mean- well- you know what goes on here during the holidays!  Its chaotic enough for the boys without this kind of snafu.  So if you could make this right, I'd be grateful.


A few hours later, John and I went over to his parents house.  I assumed all was well because they live just around the corner.  No one called, no one came stomping home in a huff.  Surely my Christmas miracle had been granted.

We walk in to find Mike losing at cribbage. He's grouchy, but maintaining his cool.  Grandpa, Kelsey and Grandma are taking his attitude in stride.  Everyone assumes it just the stress of the holidays playing out in Michael.

Suddenly, Andy comes flying out of the bedroom:

"MomDadtheScoobyDooshowison. Ijustlovethatshow. Itistheonewiththemarketingmayhemandtheevilvilianis........"

Although Andy is in good spirits, someone appears to have hit his fast forward button!!  After assessing the situation, I determine that things are going well in spite of my 6am error.  It could be so much worse!

Kelsey, ever attuned to her brothers, asked me if I noticed how the boys were acting differently.  I looked her square in the eye and said "I don't see anything different".  She isn't as well trained as her father.  She called my bluff and eventually I had to confess that I had swapped the pill boxes.  She immediately defended me by asking the obviously question....

"How the heck did they NOT notice the different pills in their box? Are they blind?!!"

I had been so busy feeling guilty that I forgot that it wasn't completely my fault after all!  These boys have been taking the exact same pills for 5+ years now.  Seriously?  You have to either be blind or a Pavlovian dog not to have noticed!

The evening continued with some bumps, but no bruises.  Their incorrect medications slowly wore off. Gifts were exchanged with the grandparents that immediately soothed their souls.  We went home early and plopped into our rooms and chairs.  Disaster averted and I hadn't taken the Lord's name in vain- not once!

Andy had the deciding vote to open presents that Christmas eve or Christmas morning. We were unwrapping gifts by 5:30am Christmas morning.  Boys had the correct meds in them before their eyes were completely open.  The rest of the holidays continued without incident. 

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope this next year finds you healthy, happy and loved.

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